Sunday, June 05, 2005


I have already mentioned that I love playing basketball, it is so much fun and I can be aggressive, strategic, careful, and many other things all at the same time.but there are a few set backs I might not do the thing I need to at the right time and you get hurt alot, I'm not just talking about when you get sraps and bruises I mean the big stuff.2 years ago I went up to catch a rebound but instead the floor caught me I was in terrible pain I didn't know what was going on, my team and all the other players were at the other end of the court.I was screaming so loud.Finally the coaches and everyone called the emergency room.I found out that I had dislocated my knee.Anyways the other dayI redislocated it and I have done it many other times since.I don't want to give up on playing basketball so I'm going to keep at it but some times it gets so frustrating.Well g2g have a fun summer ttyl
-whitney h.

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